
Ania Bas is an artist and writer WRITING: 'This enigmatic and idiosyncratic gem is eccentric, quirky and utterly original. (...) A debut novelist, Bas shows astonishing intuition, perception, and assurance. Her writing, often necessarily harsh and acerbic, is consistently both deeply moving and exceptionally funny. This is pitch black comedy of the highest quality.' Irish Examiner, 2022  Ania's debut novel Odd Hours , published by Welbeck , is is now available in paperback in all good bookshop or alternatively from  A short story in Polish Miło jest, gdy wszyscy są grzeczni   published in the May 2023 edition of Pismo Magazine. Reviews:   Irish Examiner: 'Books of 2022: Classic characters at the heart of the year’s best books' by Kevin O'Sullivan (Poland): Powieść ' „Nocna zmiana” polskiej pisarki Ani Bas zrobiła furorę w Wielkiej Brytanii' by Anna Konieczyńska Empik Pasje (Poland): ' Kiedy Bridget Jones spotyka Dor